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Select Funding Awards

Awarded grant proposals demonstrate abilities to lead research applications as Principal Investigator (PI), as well as contribute within a research team as co-Principal Investigator (co-PI), and sub-contract investigator in NIH and NSF funded centers.

National Institutes of Health (NIH)

  1. National Eye Institute (R21 EY031439-01): Modulating electro-chemotactic stimuli and Top2b-mediated pathways to promote integration of cone progenitors (05.2020-05.2024), $415,560.  PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

  2. National Eye Institute (R21 EY026752): Photoreceptor integration via chemotactic honing (02.2016-12.2018), PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

  3. National Cancer Institute (U54 CA143798): Physical Science-Oncology Center (PSOC): Systems Biology Approach to Tumorigenesis (PI: Franziska Michor, PhD) Co-PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D

  4. National Institute of General Medical Sciences (R21 GM071702): A Model Microfluidic Chemotaxis System PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D

  5. National Cancer Institute (R21 CA118255): A Migration Assay for Temporal Protein Localization PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

  6. National Cancer Institute (U54 CA132378-006): Partnership for Cancer Research Training (PI: Karen Hubbard, Ph.D.) Subcontract PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D

National Science Foundation (NSF) 

  1. NSF (CBET 2243644): A glial-endothelial model to examine collective regulation of transport across the retina (06.2023-06.2026), $389,123 PM: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

  2. NSF (CBET 180441): A combinatory microfluidic and in vivo modeling approach to evaluate collective migration during retinogenesis (08.2018-08.2021), $300,000 PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

  3. NSF STC (CBET 0939511) (PI: Roger D. Kamm): Emerging Behaviors of Integrated Biological Systems (EBICS II: Science and Technology Center) (08.2015 08.2020) $481,998 Subcontract PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

  4. NSF (BES0428573): A Novel Nano-Microfluidic System for Intracellular Sensing PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D

  5. NSF NER (BES0403971): NER: Multivalent nanoprobes to target intracellular proteins PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

Equipment Funding 

  1. Department of Defense (Army Contract): Acquisition of a Confocal Microscope (PI: John M. Tarbell, Ph.D) Subcontract PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

  2. Department of Defense, AFSOR (F49620-02-1-04-33): Development of a Micro- and Nanoscale Fabrication Facility PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.


Education Funding 

  1. National Science Foundation (EEC-19-50509): REU Site: Cellular Bioengineering: From Biomaterials to Stem Cell (06.2021-06.2024) PI: D. Shreiber; Co-PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

  2. National Science Foundation (EEC-06-34223) NUE: Nanomaterials education for engineering and science majors (PI: Ilona Kretzschmar, Ph.D.) Co-PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

  3. National Science Foundation (EEC-03-43-154): Re-Defining ME: Systematic Reform of the Mechanical Engineering Program  (PI: James Hammonds, Ph.D.) Co-PI: M. Vazquez, Sc.D.

State and Private Funding 

  1. New Jersey Health Foundation (PC 140-24) Impacts of Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) on Retinal Thrombosis and Transport (02.2024-02.2025). PI: M. Vazquez

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